Friday, October 9, 2015

Mom Moments Are Kodak Moments

Imagine there is a woman out there who willingly wakes up every single day and takes on the task of being a nurse, chauffer, teacher, personal chef, guidance counselor, etc. Oh, there's one catch- she doesn't get paid for it and rarely gets recognition. She goes by, "Mom". One thing our children don't get enough recognition for, however, are being comedians.

There are tons of books out on the market right now that will give you an A-Z run down on what to do the night you bring your precious mini me home for the first time, but what about the YEARS after that?! As absolutely chaotic as it can get being a parent I would be lying through my teeth if I didn't say that I have had the hardest crack-ups through this journey. Below are some hilarious pictures of my daughter that are outcomes of "mom moments".

1. Accidentally dozing off while the little ones are still awake....
That moment when your three year old wakes you up at 3am to let you know she has to potty. After dozing off you open your eyes and have that thought we have all had, "OH CRAP. WHERE IS SHE/HE, WHAT HAPPENED, IS SHE STILL ALIVE, HOW LONG HAVE I BEEN ASLEEP? OH CRAP." Below is what happened to me the first night that happened. I looked over to see a little blonde headed zombie fast asleep on my toilet. Talk about a belly laugh.

2. My child only eats organic and does NOT watch tv.
Okay, that's not true at all, but don't we all start off parenthood saying that? That moment when it's 7:00pm after a long day of work and you're doing all you can to fix something semi-healthy and entertain your little one and you hear, "Mommy I don't like that, watch this, come here, what is that? why does it look like that? what are you cooking? I don't like that, I'm tired, I'm not tired, that food smells funny". Yep. The momster comes out and she sounds something like this, "HERE. EAT THIS CHOCOLATE BAR AND GO SIT ON THE COUCH AND WATCH WHATEVER YOU WANT FOR 15 MINUTES, PLEASE!!!!" Guilty.

3. Letting nature do its thing.
I am an outdoorsy girl and I'm raising my daughter to hopefully be the same. From the time my daughter, Adalee, was born we have always gone on long walks outside. Recently my mom and I decided we were going to go for a little walk with Adalee in the country at the farm where they live. Less than a mile out I hear the dreaded words, "I have to poop." Most mom's might turn around and run to the house. Some would tell their child to hold it, but I did what I had to do. Outdoorsy girls need to learn this skill eventually anyway, right?

Let them be little. Take a step back and a deep breath, moms, and capture the moment. Post comments or emails us with your moments, too!
Love, Caroline


  1. Ohhhh this is too hilarious! Last week Meela through herself on the floor because I wouldn't let her hide a slice of (organic 😂) pizza in the couch cushions.
