Tuesday, January 26, 2016

What I need in a man.

Dear men,

You need to have a relationship with God. Let me rephrase and say that you need to have your own relationship with God. Do not conform what you believe into what you think I need from a man. That is a lie and very deceitful. The truth will come out. I need a man to be the spiritual leader of my future household. If you just read that sentence and thought that by doing that you might seem less manly, that if you raise your hand in church, somehow you are less of a man, well then you need to hit your knees and learn how to be humble before the God that created you. If you aren't willing to do that I am not willing to let you into my free time.

I sin. Its my nature. Its yours as well. As a Christian we are to date someone that is "equally yolked" (Look it up). The reason for this is because if we both have a sinful nature and neither of us have a relationship with God than all we do is continue to fall into a life of sin. (You may not even notice that your doing it because usually sin is really fun.) I don't need a man that will influence me to do the wrong things. I need a man that will help me overcome some of my own personal internal struggles and become a better woman and Christian. We are not meant to be alone nor are we meant to be matched for life with unequal values.

I'm asking all the men to man up. This isn't one sided either. I'd like to ask women to do the same. The fact that we are single doesn't mean we need to live the life society shows us until that other person finally arrives in our life. If we don't try to make ourselves better now, we may never get the chance. In 2016, my next resolution is to wrestle with my demons, conquer fears, and refuse to lower my standards and settle for a life less than what God has planned for me. I've spent to much time worrying about and reliving the past. It's time to move on.

That being said, when two Christians date it is easier to discuss big issues and determine where you are both moving in the relationship. There is more respect for each other because you are trying to help the other person instead of just take from them to make yourself happy.

A sinful Christian woman that struggles with life and dating
