Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Life's a Garden, Dig It

Just a little bit of Joe Dirt for you this morning. Speaking of dirt, this weekend my mom and I decided to tackle my run down, weeded, satanic,"lose-my-salvation over it" yard. One of my favorite quotes from my mom this weekend was, "Well it took two white girls two days to fix this yard but we did it!" Dang right we did, Mom.
As frustrating as it was trying to plant on the side of a hill, it brought some insight and quiet time that I used to compare my yard to my relationship with my 3 year old daughter and most importantly God.... yes, women's minds work in odd ways.
1. Toddlers need attention every single day, and undivided at that. My new plants need watering every day, no off days. However, the daily results will make you sit back in awe.
2. God looked at me and saw a run down, weeded heart and took on the job of restoring it. My heart and my yard have so much in common its weird. But cool.
3.  The end result was absolutely beautiful. I'm in love with my yard. I had my coffee on my deck and stared at my pretty Fallish yard this morning and admired the same yard that  a week ago I despised looking at. The same goes for our relationship with our children and our relationship with God. Between the chaos and driving to dance recitals and pulling gum out of their hair, sit back and admire the beauty in your children. Amazing what a little TLC can do for a child instead of always yelling. Lastly, take time to look at the beauty in YOURSELF. My heart still has "weeds" and I still have days where my attitude is similar to Scrooge, but God works on my heart daily and it's good to acknowledge what He's done.
So, here's to working on our hearts and our yards this Fall.


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